Classic Cars
in Eugene, OR
Graffiti Alley is your headquarters for parts and supplies for collector classic cars, hot rods, and trucks

Classic Car Parts
Graffiti Alley in Eugene, OR is your headquarters for parts and supplies for collector classic cars, hot rods, and trucks. If we don't have it, we may be able to locate it for you.

Classic Car Services
Graffiti Alley is affiliated with GT Speedshop, offering on-site classic car restoration and repair.

Classic Car Service
Graffiti Alley in Eugene, OR is your headquarters for parts and supplies for collector classic cars, hot rods, and trucks. If we don't have it, we may be able to locate it for you.
Visit us today in Eugene, Oregon for more classic cars.
We would be honored if you would let us assist you with your restoration needs.
Locally and family owned since 1991.